
【まとめ】#machitterで宮崎県を支援しよう! 全国一斉BBQ大会




2010/6/2 【プレスリリース】 お肉をおいしく食べて宮崎を支援 全国一斉BBQ大会について






  • 宮崎に在住の方の協力を仰ぐ
  • 宮崎の豚・牛肉を空輸
  • それを主体にした形でBBQ
  • 全国同じ時間に開く
  • その参加費から原価を引いたものと、
  • その場で集めた募金、署名を、
  • #machitter 名義で纏めて、宮崎県へお届けする


  • お肉
  • 目安は宮崎牛豚肉10人前=12,000円。
  • その他、野菜やドリンクなど。
    • その他の費用は会場によりけり
    • 宮崎県農家の野菜や宮崎地頭鶏(じどっこ)などを活用するところも
  • 会費との差額を寄付に。


  • 6月7日(月):場所と人数の報告
  • 6月9日(金):お肉代金の送金
  • 6月10日(木):お肉各地方の受取人に発送
  • 6月12日(土)〜(日) お肉受け取り
  • こんな感じ?



「#machitter は、それぞれの街で独自にやっている街おこし等の活動を、 横に連携しようという取り組みですので、主催はそれぞれの街になります。 横連携の仕組が #machitter という感じですね。」


  • 宮崎産野菜、宮崎産地頭鶏「じどっこ」の手配をしていただいております。 宮崎県内在住の商工系経営者による学修団体の事務局を監理。 その団体で、40年来の交流を持つ宮崎県内在住、農業青年学修団体の、 農業としてのビジネスから農商工連携の商材開発まで、様々なサポートを行う。 今回の全国BBQでは、野菜に関してのみ、この農業青年団体から手配させて頂く。 宮崎本社で、東京では経済産業省や東京ミッドタウンに出入りしている。 現在、そのTMTと都内居酒屋とで、宮崎応援事業を展開中。


  • 徳島の主催者です
  • オープンフォースはIT関係の勉強会などを開催している非営利組織です。
  • 主に徳島で活動しています。
  • 今回全国BBQ大会の、徳島での主催の役割を担うことになります。
  • オープンフォースでは、はじめての地域密着型イベントです。
  • 担当は河野です。
  • 連絡はこちらまで







感謝!!RT @bunnchan: ありがと〜RT @yumin_fujita: ゆーみんのブログに、全国一斉・宮崎応援BBQの詳細をUPしました! #shachitter #daimyo #yokotter #machitter148254352232010年05月27日 19時19分50秒
#machitter @nobi RT Thxです! 全国一斉BBQ 4カ所+千葉で開催予定です。横手: 東京: 名古屋: 大名:年05月26日 16時46分35秒
6/13に宮崎産の肉主体の全国一斉BBQ大会を企画してます!RT @TaizoSon?: 宮崎産を買おう!RT @nobi RT @GMHummer: 口蹄疫被害に対して、…募金や寄付じゃなくても宮崎産のものを選んで買うことも大きな援助になると思います… #machitter147470159232010年05月26日 15時48分58秒
東京も!これで全国4カ所同時開催! 一緒にやっていただけるところありませんか〜?RT @koizumi1031: お待たせしました『 #machitter で宮崎県を支援しよう!全国一斉BBQ大会 in 東京』情報をツイート&UPしました!→年05月26日 09時53分58秒
是非! よろしくお願いいたします! 千葉も 『宮崎応援 全国一斉BBQ大会』に参加か? RT @masayabupooh: 同日開催の千葉市の農場でやりましょか?こちらはペレットをつかったグリーンBBQです!… #machitter年05月26日 11時46分43秒
『 #machitter で宮崎県を支援しよう! 全国一斉BBQ大会 』 では、一緒にBBQをやっていただける街を募集しています。 今のところ 横手市 名古屋市 東京 が参加表明中! 参加希望の方は、私か @hos0327 へレス、あるいは #machitter に発言を!146139483252010年05月 24日 19時08分55秒
『 #machitter で宮崎県を支援しよう! 全国一斉BBQ大会 in 福岡 』 募集開始です! 6/13(日) 11:00〜 場所は福岡近郊 (家族参加、Twitter未経験者 大歓迎!) #daimyo #ouenmiyazaki 年05月24日 19時06分36秒
世田谷参加頂きました〜!RT @koizumi1031: 東京の世田谷区有志数名で参加! RT @TakaFlight?: 【日付訂正】『 #machitter で宮崎県を支援しよう! 全国一斉BBQ大会 』6/13(日) #ouenmiyazaki144695150852010 年05月22日 11時57分27秒
名古屋参加頂きました〜!RT @masao_kato: ナゴヤやりましゃちったー! RT @TakaFlight?: #machitter で宮崎県を支援しよう!全国一斉BBQ大会 』6/13(日)みんなで同時多発にBBQ大会を企画し宮崎を応援を! #ouenmiyazaki144694824312010年05月22日 11時56分47秒
【日付訂正】『 #machitter で宮崎県を支援しよう! 全国一斉BBQ大会 』6/13(日)開催検討中! みんなで同時多発にBBQ大会を企画して宮崎を応援を! 宮崎の地のものを使った形を、企画中です。参加して頂ける街、募集!レス下さい! #ouenmiyazaki144662361542010年05月22日 10時53分43秒
#machitter でやりたいのは、ずばりコレです 『 #machitter で宮崎県を支援しよう! BBQ大会 』 宮崎の方から肉を取り寄せて、みんなで同時多発にBBQ大会を企画したいと思っています。 皆さん、協力ください!!141371539912010 年05月17日 12時03分55秒



  • 宮崎食肉を今後も食べて欲しい。風評被害になるので宮崎食肉を特別扱いしないでいただきたい。売られている食肉は今までと何も変わっていないのだから。


  • 運営方法は会場によりけりですが、ほとんどは原材料費以外は寄付に回ることになるかと思います。
  • 運営後収支はここでも情報開示を行います。
  • ということは主催者には収支的には一銭の得にもならないでしょう
  • 普通の感覚からすれば、NPOでもなんでもない私たちがこういうことをやること自体理解されにくいのですが、まずは行動することから始めていけばいいかなと思ってます。
  • twitter上でも「今週末、これ気になるなぁ。「宮崎県を支援しよう」とかいう胡散臭い文言さえなければ行きたいんだけど…。」とか「産地偽装で小銭稼ぎしようという業者が紛れ込まなければいいな。 」とかの書き込みも見られました。
  • おっしゃる通り、すでにこのイベントを利用して、ちょっとでも儲けようと 考えている人たちも出始めてきているようです。(ホントに色んなこと考える人がいますねーって感じですがw)


  • 宮崎義援金集めるのにBBQはどうかと考えている。今、そこで何が行われているのか、どんな状況なのか、生の声を聞くと私は今BBQする気持ちは理解に苦しむ。他の方法はなかったのか。
  • 最初にこの企画のきっかけは「自分たちにできることはなんだろうか?」という打診でした。
  • この試みは非常にありがたく、嬉しく思いました。
  • その方が何を誤解されているのかはわかりませんが、別に宮崎牛・豚をただ楽しむだけで購入するのではなく、風評被害を吹き飛ばし、そしてこの牛や豚を絶やさないために募金・署名を募るわけです。そこに後ろめたいものは何もないと思います。
  • 現場の声をいくら聞いたところで、その心情を慮ったところで、一般人の我々に同情以外、何ができるのでしょう?
  • 今回のBBQ企画は、宮崎の畜産農家を微力ながら支援するという直接的な意義に加えて、今後も同様の問題が他の地域で発生する可能性が十分にあるわけで、今回の件をきちんと学び、我々はどう対処すればよいか考える機会になるべきだと思っています。
  • そうしたことを市民レベルで同時多発的に行うのであれば、BBQ企画はとても分かりやすく、参加しやすいものです。


  • BBQやるなら、合掌・黙祷してアルコール抜きでやれ!
  • この声を汲み、Yokotterとしては「アルコール抜きで」BBQをしようかと考えました。
  • それに対して起こった議論
  • さすがにこの言は受け入れられません。
  • まちったーやtwitterで動いている人たちは、純粋に宮崎を元気づけたいという思いで何の得にもならないことを一生懸命やってるのに。。。
  • 細谷さん、アルコール抜きでBBQはやめてください。
  • せっかく宮崎のためにやってくださるのに、それでは申し訳なさすぎます。
  • そしてBBQ同時開催の他の地域の人にも申し訳ないので。。。
  • 配慮のあまり行動を抑制しすぎるのもちょっと違和感があります。
  • 弔いの儀式にお酒が振る舞われるのも文化の一つ、というと、屁理屈に聞こえるかも知れませんが、僕は、乾杯の発声の一言の内容、あるいは、BBQイベントの呼びかけのメッセージ、そして、細谷さんのようなブログでのメッセージなど、趣旨をしっかりと伝え、参加者で共有しさえすれば、合掌黙祷しアルコールを抜かないと非礼、あるいは非情なふるまいに当たるとは思っていません。
  • 私は、もし主催することが間に合えば(あるいは主催協力できれば)宮崎で起きていること、苦しんでいる方々のことをできるだけ想像しましょう、そして応援しましょうという呼びかけで乾杯しようと思います。
  • 本当に渦中にいらっしゃる当事者に自分自身がご説明してご理解いただけるか、と自分に問いかければ100%自信があるわけではありませんが、こればかりは、自分たちの真情に沿って、選択するしかないのでは?と思います。
  • 「合掌・黙祷してアルコール抜き」というのは、とても感情的、且ついたずらに同情的すぎて、実は風評とあまり変わらないレベル。
  • そもそも家畜であるわけですから「いただきます、ごちそうさま」という毎日の礼儀こそが大切なのでは。BBQ企画では、いつもより気持ちを込めて「いただきます、ごちそ うさま」をしてあげて、アルコールを入れてオープンな気持ちで、いろいろ本音トークでもって未来を語るというのは、十分に意義深い事だと思いますよ。


  • 初期のアイデアは「ボランティア派遣」「募金、署名協力」「宮崎産食品を買い、食すること」でした。
  • ボランティアだけは絶対ダメだという意見があり、(キャリアーになってしまうので)その結果、募金・署名協力、そして風評被害を吹き飛ばす為に宮崎県産牛肉・豚肉を購入して、BBQという企画になったのだと思います。
  • 以下現場の方のお話
  • お気持ちはありがたいですが、一般の方がこられても出来ることはほとんど無いです。と聞きました。
  • 医師やカウンセラーの方で長期滞在が可能な方は、お役に立てるのかもしれません。
  • では、僕らに何が出来るかアドバイスしてほしいと話したら。
    • 1)宮崎の物を買って下さい。
    • 2)国に対する宮崎支援の署名活動
    • 3)募金を集めて下さい。 上記、3点でした。


  • 肉は、6ヶ月前に処理したもので冷凍保存してるものが流通しているのでその肉が風評被害で売れなくなるより、売れた方がありがたいとの意見でした。
  • むしろ今から6ヶ月後には、宮崎牛の流通量が減ってしまうので値段もあがってしまうのではないかとの話でした。


  • あまり話題になっていませんが、宮崎県内でも不必要な外出は避けるよう勧告がでているためそして、県内での国体やイベント行事が中止になっているために、ホテルや飲食店を中心に売上げが激減し、しばらく経営のめどが立たないとのことでした。
  • したがって、畜産農家に限らず宮崎県全体の産業が危機的状況にあると感じております。
  • 宮崎の数人の方々にも口蹄疫が落ち着いたれ、是非、みなさん宮崎に来て下さい。とお声かけいただいております。


  • 今回の企画は、まちったーとしての支援の一部であり、今後、まちったーでの募金活動や 支援者を募っていく活動などトータル的な活動の趣旨をきちんと表現することによりご理解頂ける方も多いと思います。
  • 人に元気や勇気を与えるには、自分自身が元気であること。もし、批判をあびるようなことがあっても、元気はつらつと批判をあびる覚悟は出来ております。
  • 途上国でもよくあることですが、お金での支援にも限界がありますよね。特に口蹄疫が終息した後の産業の復興、雇用の確保が大きな課題になってきそうです。それこそ、全国のまちったーのみなさんで、自分の街と宮崎の復興のためにがんばれる活動に繋がっていけばと感じております。
  • 出来ることを一つずつやっていきたいですね!




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The Speedy ratio measures a company's ability to use its money or assets to extinguish its current liabilities straight away. Swift assets include assets that presumably can be converted to money at close to their book values. A firm having a Quick Ratio of significantly less than 1 can not currently spend back its existing liabilities. The swift ratio is a great deal more conservative than the Existing Ratio considering that it excludes inventory from existing assets, since some suppliers have difficulty turning their inventory into money. If shortterm obligations need to be paid off instantly, oftentimes the existing ratio would overestimate a company's shortterm financial strength.

The Debt/Equity Ratio illustrates how aggressively a firm is financing its growth through debt. The a great deal more debt financing which is implemented within a capital structure, the even more volatile earnings can develop into because of the additional interest expense. Really should a company's potentially enhanced earnings fail to exceed the cost <a href=>COACH 時計 アウトレット</a> associated with debt financing over time, this could lead the firm toward substantial trouble.

The LongTerm? Debt/Equity Ratio is actually a variation in the conventional debttoequity ratio; this worth computes the proportion of a company's longterm debt compared to its out there <a href=>グッチ 時計 クーペ</a> capital. By utilizing this ratio, investors can determine the volume of leverage utilized by a certain organization and evaluate it to other folks to help analyze the company's threat exposure. Frequently, providers that finance a higher portion of their capital via debt are regarded riskier than these with lower leverage ratios.

We 1st looked for midcap customer <a href=>グッチ 財布 レディース 長財布</a> stocks. We subsequent screened for corporations which have a substantial level of money <a href=>メンズコーチ時計</a> on hand (Existing <a href=>コーチ 財布 新作 メンズ</a> Ratio>2)(Fast Ratio>2). We then screened for companies that operate with small to no debt (D/E Ratio

Do you assume these midcap stocks possess a robust <a href=>メンズコーチ時計</a> outlook? Use our list to assist together with your own evaluation.

1) Carter's, Inc. (CRI)Carter's, Inc. has a Current Ratio of 6.60, Fast Ratio of 4.36, Debt/Equity Ratio of 0.28 and LongTerm? Debt/Equity Ratio of 0.28. The brief <a href=>COACH バッグ メンズ</a> interest was 6.09% as of 05/16/2012. Carter's, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, styles, sources, and markets branded children's put on. The organization provides products below the Carter's, Youngster of Mine, Just One <a href=>コーチ アウトレット バッグ メンズ</a> You, Valuable Firsts, OshKosh?, and connected brand names.

Its Carter's brand baby merchandise contain bodysuits, pants, undershirts, towels, washcloths, getting blankets, layette gowns, bibs, caps, and booties; playclothes solutions <a href=>グッチ 時計 レディース 新作</a> consist of knit and woven cotton apparel; sleepwear solutions comprise pajamas and blanket sleepers; and also other products <a href=>COACH 時計 メンズ</a> consist of bedding, outerwear, swimwear, shoes, socks, diaper bags, present sets, toys, and hair accessories.

two) Gentex Corp. (GNTX)Gentex Corp. has a Current Ratio of six.04, Swift Ratio of four.50, Debt/Equity Ratio of 0.00 and LongTerm? Debt/Equity Ratio of 0.00. The quick interest was four.69% as of 05/16/2012. Gentex Corporation designs, develops, manufactures, and markets electrooptical items for the automotive, industrial building, and aircraft industries mainly within the Usa, Germany, and Japan. It offers automotive mirrors, like automaticdimming rearview mirrors, which includes interior autodimming mirrors and exterior autodimming mirror subassemblies; and nonautomaticdimming rearview mirrors with electronic characteristics.3) Wolverine World Wide Inc. (WWW)Wolverine Planet Wide Inc. has a Existing Ratio of three.47, Quick Ratio of 2.14, Debt/Equity Ratio of 0.12 and Extended Term Debt/Equity Ratio of 0.00. The brief interest was 5.47% as of 05/16/2012. Wolverine Planet Wide, Inc. styles, manufactures, sources, markets, licenses, and distributes branded footwear, apparel, and accessories. It gives industrial work shoes, boots, uniform footwear, outside sports footwear, rugged casual footwear, life style <a href=>GUCCI バッグ 2013</a> footwear, sandals, and closedtoe solutions. It also gives <a href=>グッチ バッグ ポシェット</a> outdoor apparel, and operate and rugged casual apparel; and accessories, for instance packs, bags, and luggage, as well as <a href=>グッチ 財布 メンズ 小銭入れ</a> eyewear, gloves, handbags, socks, watches, and plush toys.

four) Below Armour, Inc. (UA)Under Armour, Inc. features a Present <a href=>グッチ 店舗 東京</a> Ratio of three.80, Fast Ratio of 2.02, Debt/Equity Ratio of 0.11 and LongTerm? Debt/Equity Ratio of 0.05. The brief interest was 12.90% as of 05/16/2012. Under Armour, Inc. engages within the design and style, improvement, marketing and advertising, and distribution of apparel, footwear, and accessories for males, ladies, and youth worldwide.

The firm presents its apparel in 3 fit kinds: compression, fitted, and loose that are developed to become worn in hot, cold, and changing temperatures. Its footwear goods involve football, baseball, lacrosse, softball and soccer cleats, as well as slides, overall performance education footwear, running footwear, basketball footwear, and hunting boots for athletes.

five) Deckers Outside Corp. (DECK)Deckers Outside Corp. includes a Current Ratio of six.81, Quick Ratio of four.62, Debt/Equity Ratio of 0.00 and LongTerm? Debt/Equity Ratio of 0.00. The brief interest was 21.79% as of 05/16/2012. Deckers Outside Corporation engages in the design and style, manufacture, and promoting of footwear and accessories for outside activities and casual lifestyle use for men, girls, and children.

The business offers luxury footwear, handbags, apparel, and cold weather accessories beneath the UGG brand name; open and closedtoe outside life style footwear, multisport shoes, light hiking shoes, amphibious footwear, and rugged outside travel shoes under the Teva brand name; action sport footwear under the Sanuk brand name; highend casual footwear for guys and girls beneath the TSUBO brand name; outside performance and life-style footwear beneath the Ahnu brand name; and operate footwear beneath the MOZO brand name.

The organization sells its merchandise mainly to specialty retailers, department retailers, outside retailers, sporting goods retailers, shoe retailers, and on the net retailers. Deckers Outside Corporation also sells its solutions directly to enduser buyers <a href=>コーチ バッグ 斜めがけ 人気</a> via its Internet sites, get in touch with <a href=>グッチ 時計 レディース ダイヤ</a> centers, retail concept shops, and retail outlet stores, and via <a href=>GUCCI バッグ アウトレット</a> retailers within the Usa.

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Undupsfus? (2013-10-18 (金) 11:15:23)

Deckers Outdoor's CEO Discusses Q3 2011 Benefits

Taposh Bari Jefferies Company, Inc., Investigation DivisionGood? afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, and thank you for standing by. Welcome to the Deckers Outdoor Corporation Third Quarter Fiscal 2011 Earnings Conference. <>Instructions] I would <a href=>グッチ 財布 メンズ 新作</a> like to remind absolutely everyone <a href=>コーチ バッグ 斜めがけ 人気</a> that this conference contact is being recorded.

Just before we begin, I would also like to remind everybody in the company's Safe <a href=>COACH 時計 アウトレット</a> Harbor policy. Please note that certain statements created on this get in touch with regarding our expectations, beliefs and views about our future economic functionality are forwardlooking statements within the meaning in the federal securities laws. These forwardlooking statements are intended to qualify for the Protected Harbor from liability established by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements relate for the company's anticipated revenues, costs, earnings, gross margin and capital expenditures and also the outlook for the company's markets plus the demand for its items.

The forwardlooking statements made on this get in touch with concerning our future economic overall performance are primarily based on at present available material. And as a result of our business enterprise is subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, a number of which may possibly be beyond our handle, actual operating leads to the future may well differ materially in the future financial efficiency expected at the present time. Deckers has explained some of these dangers and uncertainties in its earnings press release and in its SEC filings, including the Danger Variables section of its annual report on Type 10K and its other documents filed with the SEC. Listeners are cautioned not to <a href=>グッチ 時計 オーバーホール</a> spot undue reliance on forwardlooking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof. The organization undertakes no obligation to publicly release or update the outcomes of any revisions to forwardlooking statements.

I would now prefer to turn the conference more than to the <a href=>COACH 時計 メンズ</a> President, Chief Executive Officer and Chair of the <a href=>コーチ リュック アウトレット</a> The Debt/Equity Ratio illustrates how aggressively a <a href=>COACH バッグ アウトレット 新作</a> Board of Directors, Mr. Angel Martinez. Please go ahead, sir.

Effectively, thanks for joining us presently. With me on the contact as often, are Zohar Ziv and Tom George. I am going to start using a review in the most important drivers of our record third quarter performance. And after that, Tom will go through <a href=>グッチ バッグ ポシェット</a> the numbers and outline our guidance. I'll then return and present some commentary around the upcoming holiday season and our longterm outlook. And right after that, we'll be delighted to take concerns.

As you saw from our press release issued earlier, we had an amazing quarter. Sales improved 49% to $414 million, and diluted EPS enhanced 49% to $1.59, both third quarter records for the provider. Our current efficiency was driven by sturdy <a href=>コーチ時計メンズ</a> demand for the UGG brand across our many distribution channels and geographic regions.

From a item standpoint, sales were very broadbased for the UGG brand, consisting of a number of boot collections in addition to a expanding assortment of casual footwear, this year's women's fall line is our most diverse ever. Boots incorporated equestrian, cold climate, style, classics led by the Sparkle plus the Bailey Button Triplet and woodbuttom types. Casuals included clogs, slippers and sneakers, which have all sold highly well. The introduction of our Italian handcrafted UGG collection was also well received.

Our men's business enterprise had a strong quarter as well. September was highlighted by the debut of our new ad campaign featuring Tom Brady. Also towards the Television spot that very first ran throughout the Patriot season opener on Monday Night Football, we targeted male customers via quite a few mediums which includes print, billboards, kiosks, digital and also the Web. We've recently observed a meaningful pickup in the demand for our expanded line of men's sneakers, casuals, boots and slippers.

Our UGG brand domestic wholesale business increased doubledigits for the fourth consecutive quarter. wholesale company continues to come from greater door productivity versus new door growth. Our approach of maintaining distribution tight and going soon after much more shelf space inside our account base of greater department retailers, specially footwear retailers and kid independence is clearly operating.

Through the ongoing evolution of our UGG line, we've succeeded in significantly escalating the average SKU count per door more than the past a variety of years, and now command way more retail real estate such as greater than 350 shopinshops. In Europe, we've produced good progress expanding our wholesale business with distributors and much more lately, by means of our subsidiaries. Orders were up drastically on both the unit and dollar basis, and were noticeably a great deal more <a href=>グッチ 店舗 東京</a> diverse than a year ago.

The transition to a wholesale model has also has permitted <a href=>グッチ アウトレット イタリア</a> us to capitalize on the demand generated by our former distributor, and accelerate the UGG brand evolution beyond its classic roots to establish it as a luxury comfort brand. distribution. Now this can aid ensure that consumers are presented with a broader collection of <a href=>COACH 時計 メンズ</a> merchandise, while also educating the population on just how deep the item line has develop into.

Inside the Benelux, we picked up exactly where our former distributor left off. This industry <a href=>COACH バッグ アウトレット 新作</a> has been selling a diverse collection of solution for many years, as well as the retailers response for this fall's new introductions has been good.

In our distributor markets, which involve Italy, Germany and Russia to name several, we experienced solid yearoveryear growth <a href=>グッチ アウトレット イタリア</a> in the third quarter, driven by demand from numerous collections. Overall, we're pleased with our functionality in Europe. We're clearly cognizant with the concerns about Europe due to the economic situations in a number of nations, and we'll continue to closely monitor sellthrough as we head in to the vacation period.

We've also expanded our home business in Asia via <a href=>グッチ 財布 メンズ 折りたたみ</a> direct operations in Japan and our joint venture in China. They are two from the biggest luxury beneficial markets in the <a href=>コーチ 財布 新作 メンズ</a> globe, and offer compelling longterm possibilities for the UGG brand. This is our third year of direct operations in Japan. And though the retail environment has been soft following the earthquake and tsunami in March, we're moving forward using the best mix of wholesale accounts in each and every from the significant cities.

Expanding our companyowned retail areas has also been a essential <a href=>グッチ 時計 クーペ</a> part of our Asia growth method, and we've opened 5 stores in Japan and four in China yeartodate. These new shops consist of our first boutiques, which are <a href=>グッチ 時計 ラバーベルト</a> smaller versions of our fullpriced notion shops and typical about 1,400 square feet.

On a international basis, our Customer Direct division delivered an extremely strong third quarter. Retail sales improved 72%, fueled by our aggressive shop opening schedule in Asia, coupled with pretty robust comps. Samestore sales have been up 15.4%, which follows a 23.6% raise within the second quarter, and comes on best in the 17.9% comp boost in the third quarter of last year.

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Smeagekaxia? (2013-10-18 (金) 11:09:21)

TRW Automotive is Set to Steer Larger

Note: TRW was MagicDiligence?'s Leading Decide to purchase choose for 10/18/2011!It comes as no superb <a href=>グッチ 財布 メンズ 小銭入れ</a> surprise that investors would be wary about investing in to the <a href=>コーチ アウトレット バッグ メンズ</a> automotive sector. 200809 are fresh in people's minds, in the course of which American automakers Basic Motors (GM) and Chrysler filed for bankruptcy, and Ford (F) barely survived. Auto suppliers that include Delphi andLear (LEA) trudged into bankruptcy court. The market, place simply, was decimated by the "Great Recession".

Even inside the greatest of times, this can be a challenging business. Auto sales are very coorelated to the general financial cycle. Capital fees for production equipment are high. Labor disputes and increasing commodity expenses are everpresent dangers. Customer tastes can modify rapidly, wreaking havoc on model design and style plans that take years to come to fruition. Tight credit markets make it difficult for a lot of buyers (shoppers and businesses) to finance new vehicle purchases. And, historically, each automakers and suppliers have carried poor balance sheets with significant debt burdens, "living on the edge" inside a incredibly unpredictable sector.

Offered <a href=>GUCCI バッグ アウトレット</a> this, we have to have an extremely eye-catching candidate to be able to The Debt/Equity Ratio illustrates how aggressively a <a href=>COACH バッグ アウトレット 新作</a> acquire exposure to this sector. Fortunately, Magic Formula Investing (MFI) has dug up one particular such stock in TRW Automotive (TRW).

TRW is among the world's largest auto suppliers. The firm's key concentrate is on safetyrelated systems present in modern cars. These run the gamut from electronic steering to antilock brake systems to air bags to lane help systems and anything in amongst. TRW supplies the majority of the important auto makers. Its top rated <a href=>グッチ 店舗 東京</a> four prospects are Volkswagen Group (20% of sales), Ford (16%), Fiat/Chrysler (14%), and Common Motors (12%).

I like TRW for many factors. 1st and foremost, the firm has an eye-catching set of growth opportunities. Over 80% of sales come from developed economies in North America and Europe. These two geographies have suffered from 30year low vehicle <a href=>コーチ バッグ 斜めがけ 人気</a> volumes in the 200809 period. Though 2010 and now 2011 have been an improvement, volumes are still a few of the lowest in the past 40 years. sales. had been <a href=>コーチ バッグ 斜めがけ 人気</a> 14.3 million units. Significantly more not too long ago, from 19982008, the typical was 16.8 million. In contrast, 2009 sales have been ten.6 million and 2010 11.eight million. Even 2011, a rebound year, is only displaying <a href=>コーチ アウトレット バッグ メンズ</a> volumes around 13 million about 23% beneath the '9808 average. This also remains effectively beneath the scrappage price of about 15 million units. A comparable story exists for Europe. Place basically, there is certainly nonetheless <a href=>グッチ 時計 レディース 新作</a> plenty of area for rebound development in TRW's key markets.

Yet another development driver is secularly increasing auto sales in developing economies, specifically China. China is now the world's biggest auto industry at about 19 million units, and has been developing at over 30% prices up until this year. and Japanese autos (India is even more pronounced). As security specifications are developed, TRW stands to earn alot more per vehicle sold in these geographies. Even autos <a href=>グッチ 時計 クーペ</a> for created countries continue to add extra <a href=>GUCCI ネックレス 本物</a> sophisticated security equipment, which includes side curtain air bags and electronic stability handle systems.

TRW has also made good strides in enhancing its operations and economic footing. Restructuring efforts underway given that just before the "Great Recession" have seriously shown themselves as sales rebounded in 201011. Gross margins have risen from 9% in 2006 to more than 12% right now. Operating margins have soared from beneath 5% to more than <a href=>GUCCI バッグ アウトレット</a> 8%. Returns on capital have climbed from 8% to 21%. Consequently, operating profits have greater than doubled because 2006 on a a lot decrease base of cars being sold.

Going together with this are substantial improvements inside the balance sheet. As lately as 2007, TRW was buried under a $3.2 billion mountain of debt. At this time, that figure is down to $1.7 billion, as well as the firm has $1.two billion in money offsetting it. Interest coverage (how countless times income cover interest needs) is more than 9 these days, from below three just a few years ago I give consideration to <a href=>コーチ バッグ レザー</a> five instances fairly safe. TRW is properly positioned to manage the $770 million in debt coming due in 2014, and substantially <a href=>コーチ時計メンズ</a> The Debt/Equity Ratio illustrates how aggressively a <a href=>コーチ バッグ レザー</a> far better positioned to handle any "double dip" recession.

We've already <a href=>コーチ バッグ 斜めがけ 人気</a> covered the risks right here, most of which are inherent to the business. I never count on a doubledip recession, and aside from <a href=>グッチ バッグ 斜めがけ メンズ</a> that it truly is considerably even more likely that automobile sales continue to rise towards historical levels. Nevertheless, if they don't, TRW will most likely not have the ability to get to our sell early target.

Given what looks like strong nearterm industry and business certain dynamics, I consider TRW is in a shortterm price trough that we are able to benefit from. My price tag <a href=>グッチ アウトレット 公式 ラブリー 財布 ピンク</a> target is $64, correct around the 52week higher and also a substantial 55% upside from existing levels.

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If they done with you, it ain't much you can do."McNabb? benching has Redskins playingHis mistake doesn't even come close to one year of Vinny mistakes, so he f_ed up and we can move on.I know you and your buddies will cry about the picks given up for mcNabb <a href=>Chargers Philip Rivers Navy Jersey</a> but those are gone, maybe you <a href=>Pink Star Lotulelei Kids Jersey</a> would feel better with Vinny back running things.Portis believes some players played scared in Sunday's 3330 loss to Dallas.I guess I can come to grips with Rex Grossman being our starting <a href=>Kids Tyvon Branch Authentic Jersey</a> QB at the beginning of the 2011 season. IF and only if the team demonstrates that it's serious about addressing the offensive line he plays behind.Stunned that Coach Mike Shanahan would bench a player as accomplished as quarterback Donovan McNabb?, the Redskins are playing "scared," running back Clinton Portis said in a radio interview Tuesday."In the locker room, I think that <the>McNabb? benching] that would scare a lot of guys," Portis said. "That Donovan McNabb?, who is proven to do so much, and who has done so much in the NFL, gets benched. I think it becomes a thing in the locker room like, 'Man, if they bench Donovan, anybody can be benched. Or am I next or what's next?' And I think guys start playing for safety.McNabb? did everything the coaching staff asked of him, Portis said."The positive that came out of that was Rex got an <a href=>White Caleb Sturgis Kids Jersey</a> opportunity to go out and play and show he was capable of leading the team up and down the field and guiding the team up and down the field. . You give players a chance, but at the same time, you put so much insecurity in some players in the locker room that come to worry. And who can't take on the idea of this a game. <a href=>Elite Danario Alexander Youth Jersey</a> If they gonna change, man, they gonna change. They ain't much you can do."At this point in the season, <a href=>Pink Josh Brown Womens Jersey</a> with their record, they should be scared. Every <a href=>Panthers Cam Newton Game Jersey</a> veteran on that team <a href=>Womens Marques Colston Limited Jersey</a> that robbed us for money and then played like they don't give a crap should be scared. I'm ready for Shanahan to clean house and start over. Find guys that care about being on this team, that don't <a href=>Pink Randall Cobb Kids Jersey</a> take being in <a href=>Red Jasper Brinkley Nike Jersey</a> the nfl for granted. Find guys that fit his system, instead of slapping together a bunch socalled superstars. This is a very good sign of things to come in my opinion. In addition to playing for fans, their salaries and their families (in no particular order) the good players play hard for the respect of their coach. And we all know that respect is a twoway street. I mentioned this two weeks ago on a previous post. No one is going to play up to their capabilities if they fear the coach or if they fear being benched or losing their jobs for making a mistake. Shanny is <a href=>Buccaneers Doug Martin White Jersey</a> <a href=>Kids Daryl Washington Black Jersey</a> the right guy to be GM if we are of the belief that we should gut the team and start over. He is not <a href=>BJ Raji Nike Jersey</a> the guy to coach a rebuilding team. He is arrogant, distant, a poor talent evaluator, the OC Coordinator's dad and a liar. Great characteristics for a GM, not so good as a leader of men. 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